Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Meals and recipes!

This blog is for MamaKate, but I felt like sharing it with the rest of you. I thought it was kind of long for a comment on her blog so I just linked her over here to read this! So here you go!

Right now my favorite cookbook is the one from Forks over Knives. It's mostly gluten free.

Meals we eat? We usually eat just breakfast and lunch/dinner spaced appropriately so it's only 2 meals a day so that's what I plan for.

Let's see, yesterday the kids ate granola and fruit for breakfast with rice milk. I had a leftover boiled potato mashed up with avocado and salsa. (I love savory foods and eat them often for breakfast.) My hubby has a cold right now so for breakfast he's been doing green smoothies (apple, banana, orange juice, leafy greens, maybe some nuts).

Lunch yesterday was lentil soup. I love lentils with tomato sauce or diced tomatoes. I also added some taco seasoning to it. We had sliced tomatoes and I cooked up some swiss chard as well.

Today breakfast was the last of the granola and potato pancakes that I made topped with ketchup and salsa.

Lunch was leek/fennel soup with cashew cream mixed in. I didn't add a whole lot, except some cayenne powder and some garlic and onion.

Usually we try to eat something raw and something cooked. Things like rice and stir fry with tofu and a salad. Or baked potatoes with salsa and tomatoes. I love soups so we do bean soups or vegetable soups. I make nut gravies and creams if I want the extra body or just puree the soup a little.

A favorite meal at our house is what we call haystacks. Basically it's taco salad. We do chips on the bottom. Add beans, maybe rice, then any salad toppings you want. I like lettuce, tomatoes, guacamole or just chopped avocacdo, olives and onions, salsa and maybe garbanzo beans or hummus.

Breakfast menu this week will be smoothies and granola and fruit. One of the kids wants oat patties so I'll have to make some and probably gravy to go on top. One day will be muesli. Basically, that's banana, pineapple juice and coconut milk blended and poured over raw oats then left in the fridge overnight. I do that one for Sabbath morning so I don't have to do much when we are in a rush.

Anyway, the dinner menu for this coming week that the kids and I put together this morning is as follows:

Today was leek/fennel soup, my own recipe taken partly from some cookbook and partly from my own head. Not sure which.

The next 5 days will be:
1. Taco salad aka haystacks
2. Stir fry
3. PBJ sandwiches (which means I'll have to make gf bread)
4. Spanish rice and beans w/ avocado
5. Pizza.

Some of these recipes were ideas from the Forks over Knives cookbook and of course number 3 was the little one's idea. The pizza is an idea from The Earth Diet. It's a raw version, which I may adapt and just cook it. I usually don't follow a recipe exactly unless I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. I use recipes just to get ideas and then kind of do my own thing!

Have a great day!


  1. Yum I love the idea of "haystacks". We do something similar to this but put rice on the bottom. I will have to try chips!


  2. Ps. Thanks for posting this! I will definitely be checking out "Forks over Knives". Everything you eat sounds delicious to me, which is a tall order right now as I am expecting!!!

    1. Well, your welcome and I'm glad I could be of help. Congratulations on the new little one.

  3. Thank you. I am going to watch that "Forks over Knives" movie when I get the chance, and I am excited because my library has the book. I already feel inspired to make a lentil soup tonight. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this post!

