Monday, December 10, 2018

FOK challenge post 3

So the last couple of recipes that we did this last week were so yummy!  Jeffrey was making Banana Granola Parfait on page46, so the day before I made Banana Almond Granola from page 44. So yummy. I usually make granola with oil, and bake it over night, but since I was following a different recipe, this one called for no oil and baked for about 40 or 50 minutes stirring every 10 minutes. It turned out toasty brown and crunchy. Not as flaky as the one with oil, but that’s to be expected. I really liked the flavor of it, too.

The Parfait basically is a layered dish, usually in decorative glassses. We used regular glasses and long spoons. The first layer was banana cream made out of tofu and bananas and other yummy stuff, then granola. Then Jeffrey put on some fruit salad, that we had tried earlier in the week from page 37, though this time I think we used just the fruit without the dressing. And then he added some more cream. At least thats how I think he layered it. Anyway, here’s a picture of my glass plus a picture of the fruit salad we made earlier.

We ended up having to make extra cream because everyone wanted seconds. Definitely a recipe to keep making! 

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