Sunday, July 20, 2014


So, we haven't moved yet, but are making progress with sorting stuff and trying to clean up the house. Little by little. Still hoping to move soon, but no idea where or when. 

The kids and I have been swimming almost every day in the pond. It's so nice to have that there, and it's fairly clean since we are basically the only ones using it.

My parents are supposed to come for the weekend this week, yippee! Everyone is excited, even though it is a sad reason. They had to drive over to Washington to help my uncle move. He is dying of cancer so that's not nice. :-( Anyway, they are stopping by on their way home and we will get to celebrate Sarah turning 2.

I am going to add some more exercise stuff into my routine. Hopefully. :-P I have a rebounder so I am trying to go to bed earlier and get up and bounce for a few minutes every morning before the kids get up. It works better when Victor is out of town, since we tend to stay up later when he is home. If we can just break that habit. Also, I am going to attempt to break a few other habits like eating at night. It's hard to stop, but I need to do it. I like to snack while on the iPad or watching tv. Not healthy on the digestion.

Anyway, just throwing some thoughts out since I haven't written anything in a while.

Until tomorrow! Goodnight.


  1. Why are you moving and where are you moving to? It looks like you have been working hard!

    1. Awhile back the property where we rent changed hands and went through some conflict with the government. First they said we had 9 months and then the land lord worked a deal and said we had 3 months more, so for the past year we have been looking to move, and feel that God wants us to move farther out into the country.
