Tuesday, March 3, 2020


The boys and I just finished a good hour of hard work, unloading horse manure from the pickup in the beautiful sunshine and cool spring air. I spread out some of it.

The girls played in the sun on their scooter and bicycle, trying out tricks.

Baby Victor toddled around the backyard, fussing at the cold mud on his feet and hands and the sun in his eyes.

When we were almost done, Victor was cleaned up and I sat on the walk out front in the dappled sunlight under the tree and nursed him. Then we sat and watched the boys finish, and the girls play.

Now, John is preparing his game for game-time, while Jeffrey reads fairy tales to the girls and Victor naps in my lap. He has a cold, poor boy, and has slept a lot the last 2 days. I would put him down and go do something else, but I have found that he sleeps better and longer if I hold him. So I am enjoying the time when he is little to cuddle him and continue my health education via a library book on the gut. It is very interesting.

Something I have been noticing lately is the more I get outside, get exercise, and eat right, the less I desire to be online or being lazy.

This is the thing I struggle with. I've talked about it before, i think, some.
I feel like I am addicted to facebook, social media in general, addicted to the overload of information.
The stimulus of information pouring in, is a high. Well, maybe not the information itself, but the act of scrolling through in hopes of something new to find out. Many times, I get on and there's not much new because I've been on all day.

I'm tired of wasting my time. So, now I am taking action. I look at my phone less. It is usually placed on the counter in the kitchen. In the morning, I check emails, bank account, work on bills etc, look at facebook fo a few minutes while waiting for my tea. (This was written before I started my March facebook fast.)

Then I leave it alone, hopefully for a long time.

Having stuff to do outside and things that are busy, like cleaning or decluttering helps too. I am sick and tired of being sick, tired, and lazy. So I'm laying things on the altar of the sanctuary.

1. Sugar
2. Facebook
3. Wheat products (I eat too much, and its causing inflammation)
4. Dairy
5. Laziness

I'm getting off my butt and doing stuff.

Exercising while brewing tea. Working in the garden, to dig it up. Weeding the yard. Cleaning the kitchen.

The more I do the necessary things and spend time with my kids, the less I desire the unnecessary and the bad, both.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Improving Health update

The last half of January I finished a six week challenge involving the sanctuary and weight loss. I think I mentioned it in a previous blog post.

Anyway, I didn't lose a lot of weight, but I learned a lot about myself and some things I need to give God more. Like overeating. I tend to mindlessly eat while doing other things, and then I eat too much. I am setting up my kids for failure in this area as well, by my example.

I also learned that certain foods really do make difference in my weight, such as processed foods versus unprocessed. And sweets and juice are all very high in calories.

The first 10 days of this month, my church and I did a Daniel fast challenge. We committed to eating healthier and getting more exercise. In general, a healthier lifestyle. More plants, no meat, that kind of thing. Some of us gave up junk food, and sugar. 
One of the things I gave up, as mentioned, or tried to, was sugar. I also did a juice fast for 2 days and learned that when I really want to, I can feel good by giving up those things that hurt me.

I figured out that wheat products, at least refined ones, like bread and pasta, are what are my main sources of inflammation. So, I am committing today, to continue laying sugar and wheat on the altar. Turning from those negative thoughts of past failure, and focusing on God, I want to keep my sights on His Sanctuary plan for health and improve my spiritual and physical health through His strength and power.

I hope you will join me in continuing this upward journey toward health!

May God bless all who read.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Thoughts on events

So, its been awhile since I posted due to being out of town on vacation and then trying to get back into the swing of things after we got back.

I was just thinking, maybe its time to switch things up a little. I have seen a lot of things posted on the web lately about stuff going on, much of it health related, and it is becoming more and more clear to me that we are getting down to the last few seconds of earth's history. I know there will be a few people who read this who won't believe me, or will just think I'm regurgitating something I've been taught, but its not.

The Bible is very clear as to what is going to happen right before Jesus comes and there is too much evidence to not believe that it is being fulfilled right before our eyes.

Just in the last week or so, there have been multiple strong earthquakes per day all over the world. Much of Australia was burning for quite awhile, and now in the midst of Jamaica and Mexico being hit with massive earthquakes, there is an infectious disease making its way out of China.
Many people have died, and there is a great fear that it will kill many people all over the world before it stops. I don't want to say that it won't, because it most likely will. But, much of what we read in the news is exaggerated and made to seem more than it is, for the very reason that the Devil has an agenda. There will be many people who die, as do every year from many other infectious diseases. And many people will be scared that they are going to die, too.

I don't want to get into what many call conspiracy theories, some of which basically say that the government has orchestrated this virus so they can push for a drug or vaccine, which may be true.  Suffice it to say, Satan has an agenda, and he has his puppets that do what he wants, to bring as many people as possible onto his side through fear and pain and lies.

And because as a race we have chosen to follow the desires of our own flesh, rather than the desires that God has for us, sin is taking over the world, and God's Spirit is being removed from holding back the evil, allowing those who wish to live apart from God to their own desires.

The only way to escape this world, and the sin that is consuming it, is to follow God's plan, to choose to be on His side. God has given us an escape and promised that if we take Him at His Word, He will remove sin from us, and take us through this time of trouble, and whatever happens to us in this world, we will come through to see Him come in the clouds of heaven to take us home with Him.

Whether we die now, or stay alive all the way to the end, we will be saved by God's grace to walk the streets of gold, and see Him destroy this old world and everything in it, to recreate it anew where sin will not exist and where disease and death will not hurt us.

I don't want to make this too long, but I just have to include another thought. God has a hand in everything, and nothing happens without His permission. Even the leaders put in place over our countries and churches are there for a reason. I saw a speech given by a leader recently where they were talking about making peace with another country's leader and how much more peaceful it was going to be. My thought, during this speech was a verse. 1 Thessalonians 5:3  "For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape."

Jesus is coming soon! Please, be sure you have accepted Him and are on His side! He will keep you through everything ahead!

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Mindset and the sanctuary

There is a verse in the Bible that I believe covers so much more than just spiritual things. Psalm 77:13 says, "Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary." 

One of my favorite speakers recently brought this out, and I thought I would share some of what I'm learning with you. 

We hear a lot about mindset in many areas of life. Did you know that is exactly what the Bible talks about? 
If you look at the sanctuary furniture, you see 6 pieces of furniture. 

The altar of sacrifice not only points to Christ as our sacrifice for our sins, but can show us the first step to overcoming many things in our lives, such as negative thinking.  The Bible often speaks of denying self, giving our bodies as a holy sacrifice to God. 

Next, the laver points to Jesus' baptism, and the washing away of sin in our lives. It can also represent the cleansing of our thoughts of wrong ways of thinking, or of using water to wash away toxins in our bodies. 
Inside the sanctuary proper, we see the Table of Shewbread, which symbolizes Jesus, the Word of God. Putting God's Word in our minds, renews our brain, and causes our thoughts and habits to be transformed. 

The Altar of Incense, shows us Christ the intercessor, praying for us, and our prayers going up to God. It also can show us the need to focus our thoughts on Jesus and truth.

Then we see the candlestick, representing Jesus as the light of the world. We also are called to be lights, and to share Him and the truth with others.

In the Most Holy place, we have the Law of God. This is when the Law of God is written on our hearts and Minds, and when the mindsets and actions we have taken have become habits, and are now  automatic.

There are so many areas we can use this guide, but to me its just so awesome that God has provided us a map, to show us the steps to victory in all areas of our lives.

Anyway, thats just a little bit of what I've learned this week.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Notes for Cooking Class

I was making up my notes for the cooking class tomorrow that I am hosting for my neighbors. I don't have all the recipes printed up because a couple of them are taken from some of my favorite cookbooks, but I thought I would at least share the notes.

Hello, I’m glad you all could make it today. I’m Juliette, and today I’ll be sharing with you a few yummy recipes for breakfast. 

Did you know that you can increase your life expectancy by 11 years? Dr. Lester Breslow of Fielding School of Public Health at UCLA reported that it’s possible. 

1.     Avoid Tobacco
2.     Limit alcohol or don’t use it at all.
3.     Eat in moderation
4.     Get adequate rest (7-8 hrs.)
5.     Engage in frequent exercise
6.     Remain close to your ideal weight
7.     Eat a good breakfast every day.
(American News Service. “Seven Secrets to a Long Life.” Berkshire Publishing, February 17, 2000)

He used these seven principles in his own life and died at the age of 97 in 2012.  

Most of the time we tend to rush, or not even eat breakfast at all to get to our jobs or school, and it’s just easier to grab coffee or a protein bar rather than take the time to fix a meal.

The American Academy of Family Physicians reports that Americans need to eat breakfast more regularly. Eating breakfast can help improve children’s behavior and school performance. Imagine what it would do for us adults as well!  (“Poor Breakfast Habits Could Be Affecting America’s Health,” Rome News Tribune, January 24, 2005)

The recipes I’m sharing with you are fairly simple, can be made ahead of time and are cheaper than most prepared foods you would buy from the store.

The first recipe:

Granola. Most store bought granolas are expensive and full of sugar. 

Oats are high in fiber, contain vitamin B, calcium and iron, and help lower cholesterol while protecting the digestive tract.  They aid in digestion and depression, are highly recommended for diabetics and provide energy for hours. 
Oats are high in the amino acid building block of protein called Methionine, but lack Lysine.

Beans are high in Lysine, but lack Methionine, so this is why it’s important to eat a variety of plant foods each day. For instance, you could have oatmeal or granola for breakfast, and eat a taco salad with beans for lunch. Or eat tofu scramble for breakfast with toast.  

The second recipe: Apple Crisp

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. This statement is very true. Apples are high in vitamin C and potassium and fiber. Also, very high in phytochemicals like flavonoids which help the body heal, prevent cancer and fungus, as well as prevent inflammation. They also help keep cholesterol from sticking to the blood vessel walls. Apples are also rich in boron, which helps prevent osteoporosis by aiding in the assimilation of calcium and magnesium. 

The third recipe: Pancakes 

Whole grains contain many vitamins and minerals that help you body to function with the best energy levels, which makes it easier to make better food choices throughout the day. 

This recipe contains flaxseed, which contains omega-3 fatty acids. These essential nutrients aid in fighting inflammation, and autoimmune diseases, can reduce the risk factors for heart disease such as blood pressure and triglyceride levels, and can also improve brain function. 

Recipe number 4: Tofu Scramble

Tofu is made from soymilk. Soybeans contain more protein per gram than meat. 
They are high in b vitamins, high in minerals and phytoestrogens, which help balance hormone levels in the body. Soy has been shown to prevent cancer. 

Because tofu is made from soymilk, there is no fiber in it, hence the reason I like to add lots of vegetables to it, or eat it with other high fiber foods. Also, it is still a highly nutritious and healthful food to eat and one of our favorite breakfasts, or dinners even! We love to make breakfast tacos with tofu and potatoes, wrapped in a tortilla with some salsa or mayo. 

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Cooking School ideas

This weeks post is going to be mainly cooking school theme ideas. Next week, I am hosting a cooking class in my kitchen for 7 of my neighbors. Since its the holiday season, the theme is Holiday Breakfast foods. I thought I would do granola, breakfast patties, scrambled tofu, and an apple crisp. I made Apple Crisp for Thanksgiving and it turned out really good. But I want to make another version and see if I can make it better. 

Victor is home this weekend so the boys are spending time with time with him, playing Minecraft, cooking lunch and also getting some yardwork done.

We also got to spend some time with friends eating pizza and pumpkin pie and watching movies.

I think another cooking class will focus on protein misconceptions and since many of the people attending are not vegetarian this will help those who are interested in eating less meat to change the way they think about it. I don't know what kind of recipes to pick yet.

Another thing I am hoping to do in the near future is to do videos on topics and cooking recipes. I want to put a bunch of my recipes into a cookbook and either offer it for sale, or just give it away to those who subscribe to a monthly newsletter. Just tossing ideas out there and hope some stick! I want to be able to help other people eat healthier and also possibly make some money on the side.

There are so many things floating around in my head right now and so much information I've been learning about blogging and course creation. I know it will come together, Lord willing, so I'm trusting that He will show me the best way to go about this. For now, I will write blog posts over here and do my cooking classes and learn what I can, incorporating it as I go.

Well, that was kind of here and there. Random things. Oh well! More next time!

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today, I am thankful for life, for another morning, for family. I'm thankful for my kids who love to learn, even if it isn't always when and what I want to them to learn, for the internet that allows us to learn almost anything anytime. 

I'm thankful for love, for the messes my kids make, because they are there to make those messes. For the huge pile of laundry, because that means we have clothes to wear. I'm thankful for the weeks my husband is gone, because that means he has a job. I'm thankful for the weeds in the yard, because that means something will grow there and we have a yard. I'm thankful for aches and pains, because it means I'm alive. 

I'm thankful for the disagreements I have with my children, because it means they are using their brains to think. I'm thankful for the temper tantrums of my little ones, because it means they are growing and pushing their boundaries. I'm thankful for the little things because that means bigger things are coming. 

I'm thankful that God is still in control, and that He knows the endgame. 

This coming year, I am going to be more thankful for the little things. Each day during worship, my children and I are going to incorporate some time to "Be careful for nothing, but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your request be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6, 7

". . . be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;. . ." Ephesians 5:18b-20