Tuesday, March 3, 2020


The boys and I just finished a good hour of hard work, unloading horse manure from the pickup in the beautiful sunshine and cool spring air. I spread out some of it.

The girls played in the sun on their scooter and bicycle, trying out tricks.

Baby Victor toddled around the backyard, fussing at the cold mud on his feet and hands and the sun in his eyes.

When we were almost done, Victor was cleaned up and I sat on the walk out front in the dappled sunlight under the tree and nursed him. Then we sat and watched the boys finish, and the girls play.

Now, John is preparing his game for game-time, while Jeffrey reads fairy tales to the girls and Victor naps in my lap. He has a cold, poor boy, and has slept a lot the last 2 days. I would put him down and go do something else, but I have found that he sleeps better and longer if I hold him. So I am enjoying the time when he is little to cuddle him and continue my health education via a library book on the gut. It is very interesting.

Something I have been noticing lately is the more I get outside, get exercise, and eat right, the less I desire to be online or being lazy.

This is the thing I struggle with. I've talked about it before, i think, some.
I feel like I am addicted to facebook, social media in general, addicted to the overload of information.
The stimulus of information pouring in, is a high. Well, maybe not the information itself, but the act of scrolling through in hopes of something new to find out. Many times, I get on and there's not much new because I've been on all day.

I'm tired of wasting my time. So, now I am taking action. I look at my phone less. It is usually placed on the counter in the kitchen. In the morning, I check emails, bank account, work on bills etc, look at facebook fo a few minutes while waiting for my tea. (This was written before I started my March facebook fast.)

Then I leave it alone, hopefully for a long time.

Having stuff to do outside and things that are busy, like cleaning or decluttering helps too. I am sick and tired of being sick, tired, and lazy. So I'm laying things on the altar of the sanctuary.

1. Sugar
2. Facebook
3. Wheat products (I eat too much, and its causing inflammation)
4. Dairy
5. Laziness

I'm getting off my butt and doing stuff.

Exercising while brewing tea. Working in the garden, to dig it up. Weeding the yard. Cleaning the kitchen.

The more I do the necessary things and spend time with my kids, the less I desire the unnecessary and the bad, both.